Acupuncture is an essential practice of Chinese Medicine where a fine metallic needle is inserted into the superficial layer of the skin. Points of needle insertion into the skin are known as acupuncture points, or acupoints in short, and are identified via diagnosis. Its location spans from the top of the head to the tip of the toes, while the needle can be inserted into different depths and from different angles.
The manipulation technique, is a technique where practitioners implement closely timed movements such as lifting, thrusting, and twirling the needle back and forth on the acupoint, releasing a mixture of stimulating sensations for an enhanced outcome, playing a significant role in treatment efficacy.
Studies have shown that it may benefit patients presenting with:
The manipulation technique, is a technique where practitioners implement closely timed movements such as lifting, thrusting, and twirling the needle back and forth on the acupoint, releasing a mixture of stimulating sensations for an enhanced outcome, playing a significant role in treatment efficacy.
Studies have shown that it may benefit patients presenting with:
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Sleeping difficulty
- Stroke
- Muscle atrophy
- Joint immobility
- Pain
- Emotional stress
This treatment is performed by a licenced Chinese medicine practitioner. For further interest, kindly complete the enquiry form to make your first appointment with our practitioners.
- How to prepare for acupuncture?
- A light meal two hours prior to acupuncture is advised. This prevents light-headedness, dizziness or even fainting during treatment. Patients on anti-coagulative or anti-seizure medications, or have metal implants or a pacemaker are advised to inform the practitioner as well. Female patients should let the practitioner know if they are currently menstruating or pregnant.
- What should first time patients expect from acupuncture?
- First-time patients often feel an overwhelming soreness and numbness surrounding the location of the acupoint along with a warm and tingling sensation, which sometimes disperse to other parts of the body. There is usually no pain.
- Is acupuncture safe?
- Acupuncture is safe but should only be performed by a certified, trained practitioner to prevent organ, tissue or nerve injury, localised wound infection, bruising, or bleeding, stuck or forgotten needles, or even broken needles.
- What type of needles are used?
- Sterilise, stainless-steel, single-use needles are used in each treatment. There are different lengths and thicknesses of needles to accommodate different muscle thickness. It is also used to create a degree of stimulating sensations.
- How many acupuncture treatments are required?
- The course of a treatment varies in every individual. It not only depends on each condition but also the response of the body to the treatment. Each acupuncture treatment usually lasts between 15-20 minutes.
- Why does the sensation still linger even after treatment?
- Patients might also experience intensified symptoms after their first treatment, which is normal as the body responds to novel treatment. These symptoms gradually dissipate within a week.
- Can I shower after acupuncture?
- Patients are advised to take a shower four hours after acupuncture treatment to allow the open wound caused by the acupuncture needles to close.
- Who is suitable for acupuncture?
- The practitioner will determine acupuncture is suitable for a patient. It is not recommended for those diagnosed with bleeding disorders, skin infections, open wounds, and pregnant women. Children below the age of 3 should refrain from this treatment.
- What are other common forms of acupuncture?
- The technique of electroacupuncture (EA) may also be applied concurrently with traditional acupuncture. It is often used in pain management and other diseases. The electroacupuncture instrument is a form of stimulation where a small electric current is delivered through the acupuncture needles inserted into the body. electric stimulation starts at a low level and then gradually increased depending on patient’s response and sensitivity. EA is strictly prohibited on those having metal implants and pacemakers.
- Auriculotherapy or auricular acupuncture (AA) is a localised form of acupuncture or acupressure which is primarily used for psychomotor and neuroendocrinal diseases. This treatment is done on points located on the ear auricle, as Chinese medicine theory shows that points on the ear auricle correspond with a specific area of the body. Vaccaria seeds are ear seeds used to stimulate auricular points by adhering the seed to the ear via seed patch, then applying pressure to stimulate each point. It can be left on the ears up to 7 days. Despite being a non-invasive and simple approach, it is important to take note of allergic responses to the ear seeds, including local discomfort, skin irritation, dizziness or nausea.
- How does acupuncture help in cancer?
- Cancer patients often experience chronic pain, drug-induced symptoms, treatment-induced skin inflammation and dryness. Acupuncture is known for its adjunct role as an innate opioid stimulator in alleviating all forms of pain. Studies have proven that stimulating acupoints on meridians serves as a prophylactic to patients undergoing intravenous drug treatments, while boosting the immune system at the same time.