Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is performed by creating vacuum pressure inside a suction cup before placing it onto the skin surface. It is a widely available, easy to use and safe form of treatment, mostly used for muscular relaxation purposes.

Cupping therapy is commonly classified into dry, wet, flash and massage cupping. Dry and flash cupping differs where dry cupping allows the suction to stay on the skin for approximate 2-10 minutes before removal, whereas flash cupping is the repeated movement of removing the cup immediately from the skin after suction occurs. Massage cupping on the other hand, uses oil or gel as a lubricant so that the cup is able to glide on the skin surface while vacuum pressure still exists within the cup. This is often applied on muscle stiffness.

Wet cupping is by piercing the skin and drawing blood into the cup via suction. It is not often performed due to the requirement of strict medical procedures.

Studies have shown that it may benefit patients presenting with:
  • Neck stiffness
  • Acute lumbar sprain
  • Body aches from colds
  • Fever
  • Flu
  • gastrointestinal-related discomforts
  • respiratory problems



This treatment is performed by a licenced Chinese medicine practitioner. For further interest, kindly complete the enquiry form to make your first appointment with our practitioners.


  1.  What should first time patients expect from cupping therapy?
First-time patients would usually feel a swelling sensation due to the effect of suction cups on the skin. It may be accompanied with a mixture of warmth and cold. Some might feel comfortable and relaxed at the same time. It is normal for swelling, petechiae, ecchymosis or localised redness to appear as a result of cup suction on the skin.

  1.  What sort of discomfort may occur during treatment?/li>
Patients generally do not face any severe form of discomfort during treatment. However, some patients might experience light-headedness, dizziness, nausea, palpitations, cold sweats, or even faint during treatment. When this happens, patient is placed at a supine position with both feet up. A beverage of sugar and salt is then given to the patient.

  1.  Are the cupping tools disinfected after each use?
Cupping tools are first cleaned with water and soap and then disinfected with high-level disinfecting solution after each use. It is subsequently stored in a clean and dry area before its next use.

  1.  What type of cupping tools are there?
There are several types of cupping tools, including glass, bamboo and plastic cups. Vacuum within the glass and bamboo cups is obtained via fire, which depletes oxygen for suction to occur. This is known as fire-cupping. Suction cupping, removes air from plastic suction cups with a pump gun.

  1.  Can cupping therapy be done at home?
Based on several types of cupping tools mentioned, cupping therapy using plastic cupping tools may be done at home. Despite its convenience, it should only be carried out after instructions on the handbook is thoroughly read and understood. Fire-cupping should only be performed by a licensed practitioner to avoid skin infections, burns, blisters or scar formations.

  1.  Who is suitable for cupping therapy?
Cupping therapy is not suitable for all body types. A patient will be advised further by his/her practitioner to determine if this treatment is suitable.